
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Magdalena

Posted by Pornstarchive On July - 3 - 2011
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Magdalena (Heike)

Magdalena GGG 1 Magdalena GGG 2 Magdalena GGG 1 Magdalena GGG 8

Hair Color: Brunette

Body Type: Fit

Real Name: Heike

Chest Size: C

Info: She was born in 1975, 11 December. Degree in 1997, we know that she loves to travel and practice swimming and martial arts. In Casting Girls 32, her GGG audition is under the name of Heike.

Comments: Magdalena is a GGG and John Thompson favorite and a great superstar of his movies. She has a beautiful face, a body that drives men wild on top of an insatiable sex drive. Since 2005, she has appeared in 40 John Thompson films. Having taken part in 9 Sexbox well, we can presume that Magdalena also likes rough sex, where, among other things, she gets piss in mouth profusely. For her natural beauty, the enormous erotic charge, her deep eyes and charming personality, complimented by her voracious appetite for drinking sperm, Magdalena is truly elevated as the symbol of German Goo Girls and of this site.

GGG Films:

2005 Absolut Sperma
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Die Sperma Rakete
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Die Sperma-Verkostung
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Erste Sperma Begegnung
2005 Ich Habe Durst! (ONLY PISS)

2005 Mach Auf Den Mund
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Naturlich Schluck Ich
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Schluck Olympiade
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 SexBox 3
♥♥♥♥ pppp
2005 SexBox 6
♥♥♥♥♥ pppp
2005 SexBox 7
♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2005 SexBox 8
♥♥♥ ppppp
2005 SexBox 11 ♥♥♥ pppp anale
2005 SexBox 13 ♥♥♥ ppp anale
2005 Sperma Allee
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Titten-Blondie Schluckt
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2005 Und Dein Sperma
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2006 Alles Runtergeschluckt, und Jetzt? ♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2006 Für Sperma Tu Ich Alles
2006 Piss-Kiste
2006 SexBox 17
2006 SexBox 18
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2006 Sperma Ahoi!
2006 Sperma Gigantisch!
2006 Sperma Göttin
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2006 Sperma Grand Prix
2006 Sperma WM
2006 Tinas Sperma Debut
2006 Victoria, Das Sperma Opfer
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2006 Vollig Zugespritzt!!
2006 Wilkommen Im Spermaland
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2007 Magdalena Im Sperma Olymp
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2007 Piss & Sperma Perversionen (PissBox)
♥♥♥ pppp
2007 Schwanzsuchtig
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2007 SexBox 30
♥♥♥♥ pppp
2007 Sperma Feuerwerk
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2007 Sperma Oase
♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2008 3, 2, 1 Sperma Ist Meins
2008 …Den Zum Schlucken Bin Ich Da
2008 Gruezi! Spritz Mir In Den Mund
2008 Sexbox – Sperma und Piss Tortur ♥♥♥♥♥
pppp anale
2009 Das Schluck Genie

Magdalena GGG 3 Magdalena GGG 4 Magdalena GGG 5 Magdalena GGG 7
Magdalena GGG Girl 1 Magdalena GGG Girl 2 Magdalena GGG Girl 3 Magdalena GGG Girl 4 Magdalena GGG Girl 5 Magdalena GGG Girl 6 Magdalena GGG Girl 7 Magdalena piss Magdalena piss 2 Magdalena GGG Superstar

Note: In Casting Girls 32 (2012), Magdalena says her name is Heike! A surprise for all of us! Too bad the quality of the footage is not very good.

Beautiful Magdalena as a GGG Cover girl.

Sperma Feurwerk Und Dien Sperma Magdalena Im Sperma Olymp Die Sperma Rakate


GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating
GGG Models - Magdalena, 8.1 out of 10 based on 3399 ratings

About Pornstarchive

Pornstarchive is the alter-ego of the The Admin and is the webmaster and host of the site. Favorite girls are Cissie, Vendula, Magdalena, Diana and Adina.

29 Responses so far.

  1. jubilula says:

    missed Sperma Ahoi

    GD Star Rating
  2. We love Magdalena! Such a wonderful performer.

    GD Star Rating
  3. Stefan says:

    Magdalena is my favorite German Goo Girl. She is so sensual but at the same time such a slut.

    GD Star Rating
  4. Stefan says:

    Magdalena is one of the classiest cum dumpsters in the world. I can’t seem to get enough of her.

    GD Star Rating
  5. Fernando says:

    Magdalena is my favorite German Goo Girl.
    She is so sensual…wonderful .
    I love Magdalena.

    GD Star Rating
  6. Bill Malone says:

    She has an incredible mouth. So big, such lovely lips.

    GD Star Rating
  7. MagdalenaFan. says:

    Magdalena is an absolute goddess – so incredibly beautiful yet so so hot, filthy and perverted! After what must be thousands of viewings, i still never tire of watching all her movies. I wish she’d come back and make some more great films.

    GD Star Rating
  8. Galactus says:

    Sitting among the pantheon of the Goddesses.

    Forces of nature

    GD Star Rating
  9. Hans says:

    Mr. John Thompson, please, we want to Magdalena back!

    GD Star Rating
  10. MagdalenaFan says:

    Mr. John Thompson, please, we want to Magdalena back!

    GD Star Rating
  11. MarshallBMathers says:

    Does anyone know her full name?
    Found a picture (+ a bit of information) is very similar to her female (and she can).

    GD Star Rating
  12. Juce says:

    I too would love to know more about the amazing Magdalena.
    In a two of Magdalena’s incredible movies – Sperma Allee & Und Dein Sperma, she is interviewed by John Thompson. I would love an English translation on some of her more notable replies.

    GD Star Rating
  13. Although we totally agree.
    Is a long time that we write on the forum of the official website the needs of English subtitles.

    GD Star Rating
  14. Juce says:

    Magdalena in 2012 “casting girls 32” – is she about to make a comeback or are these interviews cut scenes from older movies?

    Great pics as Heike – she truly has the most beautiful female face i have ever seen!

    GD Star Rating
  15. pwh says:

    I saw Magdalena pissing in some guy’s mouth. I don’t remember the name of the movie. Are there more scenes like that? In which films?
    Thanks beforhand for the answer.

    GD Star Rating
  16. gollum999 says:

    What a great model !…… One of my prefered !
    I was consulting EGAFD and I saw an actress, Anja Juliette Laval, and her figure on the photo is very similar to her. Are you sure they are distinct ? The only great difference is their birthday year (1981 et 1975). Maybe they are relatives ?

    GD Star Rating
  17. Ady85 says:

    I am surprised not to see more messages regarding Magdalena. For me, it’s the best. I wonder what she looks like now.

    GD Star Rating
  18. gggloverboy says:

    She is one of the hottest for sure and seems to enjoy swallowing cum. Wish she had more scenes with other girls though, like Betty or Maria. They would have been the best

    GD Star Rating
  19. Gotcha says:

    During the recordings I attended, I always had the impression that she was passionate about drinking urine. And who pisses in her mouth was – I think – also completely indifferent to her. There were other girls in the 666 films where I wasn’t always sure about this.

    GD Star Rating
  20. Gotcha says:

    Addition: It may sound pejorative, yes, but she could open her mouth very very wide, so that it was ideal to piss in. And a lot of piss accumulated in it, which she swallowed with pleasure.

    GD Star Rating
  21. RetroResolutionRestoration says:

    The Queen of GGG

    GD Star Rating
  22. piero100 says:

    Magdalena is absolutely outstanding if this bukkake performance! Just a question about her age: when she did casing 32 (in 2012) she was 37 years old. Correct? But in all her film she looks like younger…

    GD Star Rating

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