
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Bernadette

Posted by Maurilio Del Pisello On August - 9 - 2011
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Bernadette (Vivian)

 Bernadette GGG 3 Bernadette GGG 1 Bernadette GGG 2bernadette-ggg-00135


Hair Color: Black

Body Type: Fit

Chest Size: B

Aliases: Vivian, Vivian Tigresses

Info: Thanks to the friend and fan Michael Hamm, we know that Bernadette has shot for GGG with the name Vivian. We also know that the girl is Ugandan and has lived for many years (15-20) in Germany and has a son. Still waiting for confirmation of what is said. According to Porninquisitor, another friend and fan, Bernadette has made ​​several films for other production companies such as Magma, under the name Vivian Tigresses and did double vaginal penetration, but has never done anal on camera.

Comments: Bernadette is a lovely dark-skinned beauty with a beautiful smile and a high sex drive.  She has shot many piss movies, as well as made appearances as a star as well as in the background of scenes.

GGG Films:

2005 Absolute Sperma (as VIVIAN) ♥♥♥
2005 Piss Mir In Den Hals (as VIVIAN) pppp
2005 Schluck Olympiade (FUCKED)
2005 SexBox 10 (as VIVIAN) ♥♥♥
2005 Sperma Politesse (as VIVIAN) ♥♥♥
2005 Sperma Überall ♥♥♥
2006 Madchen Lieben Pisse! pppp
2006 Pisse Für Alle! pppp
2006 SexBox 16 ♥♥♥ pppp
2006 SexBox 22 ♥♥♥ pppp
2006 SexBox 24 ♥♥♥ pppp
2006 Sperma Für Afrika (as VIVIAN) ♥♥♥
2007 Ahhh… Ficksahne! ♥♥♥♥
2007 Spass Am Pissen pppp
2007 Total Vollgepisst ppppp
2008 Schwänze und Sperma Für Alle Meine Löcher ♥♥♥
2008 Volle Kanne Pisse! ppppp

The scene above and below is from Sperma Fur Afrika

bernadette-ggg-00145 bernadette-ggg-00151 bernadette-ggg-00152 bernadette-ggg-00159 bernadette-ggg-00161 bernadette-ggg-00163 bernadette-ggg-00166 bernadette-ggg-00169 bernadette-ggg-00172 bernadette-ggg-00175 bernadette-ggg-00179 bernadette-ggg-00181 bernadette-ggg-00183 bernadette-ggg-00185 bernadette-ggg-00189 bernadette-ggg-00193 bernadette-ggg-00197 bernadette-ggg-00200 bernadette-ggg-00203 bernadette-ggg-00206 bernadette-ggg-00210 bernadette-ggg-00214 bernadette-ggg-00217 bernadette-ggg-00221 bernadette-ggg-00222 bernadette-ggg-00223 bernadette-ggg-00227 bernadette-ggg-00230 bernadette-ggg-00232

The below end of the scene, JT asks “Schlucken” or “Swallow” and Bernadette (Vivian) refuses; which he says “Ach, komm schon…” translates to “Aww Come On” and she still refuses playfully and spits the cum back into the bowl.

bernadette-ggg-00234 bernadette-ggg-00236 bernadette-ggg-00238

Below is Bernadette in one of her many piss performances.

As mentioned, Bernadette has performed as Vivian Tigresses in many films after GGG.  Below are capture images from a gangbang scene from another German production company, in which she seems to be the featured performer.

vivian-tigress-ggg-00001 vivian-tigress-ggg-00003 vivian-tigress-ggg-00007 vivian-tigress-ggg-00008 vivian-tigress-ggg-00014 vivian-tigress-ggg-00015 vivian-tigress-ggg-00023 vivian-tigress-ggg-00038 vivian-tigress-ggg-00043 vivian-tigress-ggg-00046 vivian-tigress-ggg-00058 vivian-tigress-ggg-00061 vivian-tigress-ggg-00071 vivian-tigress-ggg-00074 vivian-tigress-ggg-00077 vivian-tigress-ggg-00078 vivian-tigress-ggg-00079 vivian-tigress-ggg-00080 vivian-tigress-ggg-00084 vivian-tigress-ggg-00088 vivian-tigress-ggg-00091 vivian-tigress-ggg-00092 vivian-tigress-ggg-00094 vivian-tigress-ggg-00097 vivian-tigress-ggg-00101 vivian-tigress-ggg-00102

Bernadette as a GGG DVD cover girl

Sperma Uberall

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GD Star Rating
GGG Models - Bernadette, 2.3 out of 10 based on 729 ratings

About Maurilio Del Pisello

Maurilio is the pioneer of the GGG girls database. Lives in Italy. He argues: "In my opinion, the phenomenon GGG is the most advanced expression in porn since 2000 in the Western world".

8 Responses so far.

  1. […] and paper towels after the men have cum and piss. In the photos are also Tina (Taranee Devil), Bernadette, Tanja, Daniela, other Fluffers and studio assistants, Lucy. The last picture features Perla, who […]

  2. porninquisitor says:

    She has an alias “vivien tigress” or “vivian tigress”… she did dpp (double pussy penetration) but seems to never have done anal/dp.
    She is a golden shower queen in excellence ^^
    I have found numerous “outside ggg” productions but I have to retreive all the titles refered to her performances… you’ll have to wait ^^

    GD Star Rating
  3. Michael Hamm says:


    one question about the black pornactress in ggg. I believe that the black woman vivian and the other black woman Bernadette are the same person. Am i right? I have hear in an interview that she is devoided from an german man, have children and i think live in germany 15 or 20 years, but i dont remember me on the exactly number. She came from Uganda.

    Sorry for my bad english as german 🙂

    Do anybody know more about her?

    Thanks on all!

    GD Star Rating
    • I went immediately to look at the films of both, what you say is not wrong. I will make a further and more careful analysis, are not yet certain that a black girl named Vivian does not exist. As soon as possible so making changes.
      Thanks a lot for the valuable reporting!!

      GD Star Rating
    • Experienced says:

      Yes – its the same person. I have fucked her (privately and not in front of the camera) and she is as hot and horny in real life as in the films…. She have retired from the industry and now residence on the US West Coast. She used to do the films as a side kick since she actually had a normal job. She is a great person and I wish her all the best.

      GD Star Rating
  4. sampaioed says:

    Bernadette also appears in the movie Pisse Fur Alle.

    GD Star Rating
  5. K says:

    She was on facebook as “Vivian Lindemeier”, either her ir someone pretending to be her. Said she used to live in Köln, worked at Deutsche POP (radio station) as a radio announcer, amongst other things.
    I think judging by the pics posted on there and all the personal information, someone that knows her well may have set the account up as a defamation campaign against her character to “out” her. I wonder if it was her real name. Very strange.. Maybe someone here knows more..?

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