GGG Models & Porn Star Archive
This website is for ADULTS ONLY!
The administrators at Pornstarchive would like to thank the fans, JT, the lovely GGG girls especially those that have communicated and provided interviews and an extra special thank you to the beautiful Viktoria for being a great friend of the site. We Love Viktoria!
Pornstarchive is dedicated to the identification and archiving of information about the lovely girls of German Goo Girls aka GGG, JT (and all John Thompson titles), and other hard to identify beautiful bukkake starlets that grace our private screens. We are steadily building a definitive database with profiles and film lists of your favorite hardcore adult film starlets such as Magdalena, Betty G, Kathy, Sarah, Cissie, Annette Schwarz, Melanie Moon, Vendula, Viktoria Goo and other GGG models that you may not know either the names of or where to see more of them!
GGG Models are a rare breed and able to delve in hardcore gangbangs, and multiple cumshot scenes with ease. At Pornstarchive we love GGG! We encourage fan participation so please leave comments or contact us if you have information pertaining to the German Goo Girls or other hardcore porn star models appearing in our archives. Don’t forget to rate your favorite girls!
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i so mush need to be in one of these movies, come to manchester ( englang) lets do it.
Hi there. The film „Sperma Neugier“ (December 2003) is missing. The actress on the cover named Claudia (not one of them which are already listed) and Annegreth has also an appearance.
Thanks for your report.
The film will be entered into the database as soon as possible.
Thanks again
Maurilio Del Pisello
Hi there.
I noticed a few things while looking around your site.
You are missing an entry for ‘Goldy Entdeckt die Männer – Teil 3’ under ‘movies G – L’.
Also, the unknown blonde girl A72 (the cover girl for ‘Spritzt du jetzt ab?’ September 2001) is referred to as ‘Lucie’ on the back of the DVD cover.
Thanks for the valuable info!!
The movie with Goldy (Goldy entdeckt die Männer – Teil. 3) will be inserted as soon as possible, there are still about 30 old films to be included in the database, in particular those released before 2000.
Thanks also for the suggestion of the cover of the film “Spritz Du Jetzt Ab”. A72, Lucie, will be transferred to the letter L.
A great site, very useful!
One thing I would like to see is more information on “MODELS BY FEATURES” – Tits: Natural / Fake ….. Tatoos: No / Yes – some, many.
Sorry to ask, but I hate fake tits & tattoos. I prefer not to waste time with these models.
Thanks again for the great work!
Hi Mauro!
Really big thanks for keeping this site so well. To make it even better, please add “GGG 26514 – Das Erste Mal – Leonies 1. Vollgespritze” to the movies database, it was produced and released in 2010 with the models Leonie (the one from the 2010 movie “Model Auf Sperma Abwegen”) and Janine. (At least I couldn’t find it there.)
Besides, go on with your invaluable work.
Thanks Aldo!
Luckily there are people like you who control our work! By mistake, in fact, in my archive, I had placed the film among those already in the database.
I will provide as soon as possible to retrieve it, thanks again.
Sorry to disturb again.
I also miss “GGG 26537 – Das Erste Mal – Charly! Sperma für ihren Mädchenmund” and its feature actress Charly in the database. She even comes in front of the cam (or is colse to it at least) and shows some deepthroating skills.
Next one I miss is “GGG 26538 – Das Erste Mal – Soo viel Sperma für Elise” with – who would guess: Elise (and some help from Viktoria Goo).
Thank you for the updates Aldo! I will let Mauro know of these edits.
These films were released very recently along with other titles of the great JT. Will be inserted into the database as soon as possible.
Thanks for your report
The two films from you suggested have been included in the database: “GGG 26514 – Das Erste Mal – Leonies 1. Vollgespritze” and “GGG 26537 – Das Erste Mal – Charly! Sperma für ihren Mädchenmund”.
Ciao and thanks for the suggestion!
Anyone who knows of films missing, it signals to us that we will provide.
Hey, I am new here. So i see this is a german pornstar archive and i would like to know the actress in this video
I have searched everywhere the video was hosted but none gives the name of the actress. I mean, almost everywhere the video is available but no names. Please Help.
Thanks for joining! Please address this question in our forum; there would be better access there.
Hi guys!
First of all, congratulations!! You are doing an amazing job! Every GGG fan must know this site.
I would like to suggest a thread with Yvonne (Sperma-forever). Isn’t she lovely?
Thank you Charlie! We will take your suggestion into consideration for the next update!
Totally agree with Charlie ! Im a massive GGG cum slut fan! this site is amazing
I’ve been looking for a GGG forum for ages!
Well done and great work gonna really enjoy finding out about the GGG porno stars
Hi guys!
Have you seen this interview, with Julie? (link below)
She is on “Julie in der mannen arena”
She has a facebook, and also has an registered account at the site adultdvdtalk.com, as Julie Skyhigh.
Maybe you could contact her for another interview!
Hi guys.
I miss in your archive this woman:
I guess not each guy would like her appearance, but I would like this archive to be as much complete as possible.
The girl is in our archive as A39.
Thank you for reporting: now we know that her name is Jana and as soon as possible will be made under the letter J.
Thank you again!!
Now I miss Zara in your archive.
This girl:
Thank you for this addition!
Strange thing: When I put my post on this side of this web, there is a reaction. When I put my post to some other part of this web, there’s usually no reaction.
So what I put elswhere I put again on this side.
It’s about my favorite girl Elise who now acts as Luisa.
She has also done a movie – in which she works with piss – called Elise vollgepisst
It hasen’t been added yet. And I think this one deserve to be seen for Elise is doing great with the piss. Another of her appereances is maybe too new for this web. It’s in this movie:
Hi guys so fare i have seen Linda Lush in GGG movie ,so the big question when will we see that wonderfull LAURA who teamed up with Linda in some moves from SpermaStudio
I’ll think we are many many of us that would just die to see her in a GG/JT movie
hello everyone..this is an awseome website to access models info
Thank you for joining us!
this is my first post here i have been following for a while but decided to sign up u guyz deserve it.
first of all can anybody clarify to me why the sexbox series ended and why there are no more of it made these days??
my favorites are viktoria ofcourse, vendula girl just blew my mind with that piss scene and dp and lastly paris milton so fucking beautiful
i just want to say plz can vendula and paris come back and shoot more stuff
and plz viktoria take ur clothes off while performing show ur body why she always never shows her abs and boobs she is fucking beautiful
plz answer my question above anyone?
hi can anyone tell me who is the blonde in the goldy discovers men part 3 video
her scene comes in between the goldy scenes and she is busty and beautiful want to know her other filmography plz
Hi all
I am selling my precious GGG DVD collection, now 98 titles remaining, from old to the newest. £5 per title, discount for big orders.
I’m UK based and happy to send to other locations. Contact me at notmarkingtime@yahoo.com if interested?
Congratulations; this page is a wide source for voyeur people like me.
Hey there’s a great Maria compilation vid on PH: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56c194c9e76ff
best site for GGG , please update, there are more titles, older and newer… thanxxxx!!!!
How long has it been since the last update?
Too long…
Who is the cover girl of this film? Thank you
I hope to find my 3 hole cum slut wife like Manga. I would LOVE to feed her BBC’s “only” all day long 24/7…
is the site not being updated anymore?
I’m the only admin left and haven’t had a lot of time to update the site. Working on getting it back on soon however.
Ich can help you.. I have a lot of inside informations of the GGG-Film firma…
Would love the help – trying to breathe new life into the site and could use insight.
Long time GGG fan.
This site has been helpful over the years.
Would also like to volunteer to help out.
E-Mail me:
contact me
It seems old uncle John is wanting to call it a day -(again..) possibly 26 Juli will be the very last dreht in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
We will see what happens, this has been discussed on and off for around ten years now, initially when it was all over back in Muenchen everyone thought it was all over after “the split” but then he moved to Berlin and went solo. The mann is of course 74 years now.
Anyway, watch this space…
Alles Gute auf dem neuen jahr 2020!
Well, you can obviously disregard the above now but was 06.12.19 the very last Dreh..?
We will soon find out but I wonder how old John’s health is at the moment..?
Health/Gesundheit is this not the most important thing in this leben?!
I asked this very question most recently to the most important thing in John’s life from ’93-2010 what the true meaning of GGG was but I am still to hear an answer to this..
I really think we are near the end now with the games of “IM JOHN”.
15.01.90-15.01.20 “Stoerung mit system..” 30 Jahren…
Does anyone have any info on what happened to Nicole? She only did one film (Die Spermaprinzessin) I know its a while back but I was just wondering if she’d done anything else.
Have GGG filming participants already intervened on the site to explain the filming ? Especially during the late 90s and early 2000s (2000-2002) the best GGG period in my opinion.
I can tell you a lot of this time, ’93-2010 really was the best of times for “J und N” back in Schwabing…
Anybody interested in trading DVDs? I’ve got 34+ titles. Contact me at maxrenn2@protonmail.com
Yes, please email list to normarkingtime@yahoo.com
Sorry, I have sold all my dvds.
I am interested in buying any GGG dvds from pre 2010. I am not interested in selling, just buying. I am from UK and my email is johnnychomsky1@gmail.com
How can we help to keep this amazing GGG resource up to date?
I need people to add content – contributors. Any volunteers are welcome! email me through the contact form or pornstarchive@gmail.com
aus welchem film ist diese szene?
Hi guys!
I have only recently started watching GGG videos. The earlier ones (up until 2008) are the best bukkake videos I’ve seen, better than Japanese or US bukkakes. The bukkakes are messy and chaotic and jizz is flying everywhere. My favourite videos are the ones with multiple girls getting plastered together and all the cum play between girls. There are too many to name and I’m still getting through them. My 3 favourites are Betty, Maria and Manuela but there are many amazing girls who love cum.
Not sure how active this site is but it’s a good reference point
Thank you for joining!
Anyone know this GGG girl or the title this is from?